Thursday 19 May 2011

I now know where I'm going!! Along with other good news!

Well, well, well!
 I am DELIGHTED to share with you that I will be spending next year, starting in August, working as a volunteer for the Jabulani Rural Health Foundation, in Zithulele Village!! It now feels so incredibly real, I know that sounds stupid, but it does, it's like "Oh crap, I'm actually going!!!" My 'project profile' says that I will be mainly based in the hospital, but with opportunities to dip in and out of the pre-school etc! The other good news is that I HAVE FINISHED MY FUNDRAISING! The biggest sense of relief EVER! So now all that's left to do, is my visa and the rest of my jabs. I'm all booked up for training in July, when I will eventually meet my parter, I literally can not wait =D. Just over 3 months left (and counting......)
Au'revoir for now xxxxxxx